P9S braindead
you change into your magician outfit with a snap and change back when you are done with your magic hat trick
Short basic macro for Storm's Crown EX. Uses the color matching strat for entanglement/playstation.
DSR Playstation
Put markers A, B, C, D on outer circles Put 1, 2, 3, 4 on inner circles Mark MT with 1, H2 with 2, OT with 3, H1 with 4 Then just follow the macro
easy combat
Set Party BFX to Off. Others set to simple and All for yourself. Set Own and Other Names to show only In Battle, but Show Parties always(I normally use this in more hectic Trails and raids)
Storm's Crown Extreme
Set All BFX and Names to On (I use this when not in a duty) All Name Plates On All BFX On
Set Party and Other BFX to Simple. Set Own and Other Names to show in Battle but Show Parties (I normally use this in dungeons and some less hectic Trials)
star burst stream lol