Zlhoe & Mnaago
NON Specialist. 471 CP. 2 Parts. Some HQ mats may be required. Eat Tempura Platter HQ. Medicate with Cunning Craftsman's Tea HQ.
Level 70 ★★★ 70 Durability Patch 4.3 (1500 Craftsmanship 1440 Control 543 CP) Note: Need 7500 Quality at the Start to make it 100% HQ with Control value above. Make up for it with more HQ at start if you have lower Control. 1350 Control is the minimum you might need 8500 quality at start then.
3 Star 35 Durability. 471 CP. Specialist Irrelevant. Some HQ mats may be required. Eat Tempura Platter HQ. Medicate with Cunning Craftsman's Tea HQ.
As a level 70 ALC, you want to make HQ cordials but not use your overlong multi-step at-level macro, this single step macro will make cordials (and some other down-level items) HQ super easy.
2-star level 70 crafts. About 90% from NQ mats. Requires 520 CP with food (505 for specialists with Stroke of Genius)
Requires 1000 craftsmanship and 484 CP. 100% all 70 no-star crafts from NQ mats
Requires 1211 Craftsmanship, 1114 control and 455 cp For 80 durability crafts levels 68-70 (no stars) as of 4.06a
4-star non specialist (patch 4.4) requires 537 CP (min 1650craft/1600control to attempt 4star) Need about 5k initial quality to guarantee 100%
SHADOWBRINGERS crafters: create those annoying 40 durability base materials in HQ from NQ mats with this macro. No specialist required, if you have enough craftsmanship, you can change the last CSIII to a CSII and use 485 CP. Great for nuggets, logs, and more!
Combo Points: 394. Made for Durability 70+ collectible. With iLvl 348 can easily do Collectability 14482+ with 3407 Progress
Level 68, 40 durability macro. Requires 487CP and 960 Craftsmanship. Alternate ending for lower CP/Craftsmanship. There are different endings depending on which job you are using. Replace "xxxx" in the 2nd part with the element for your job. CUL and GSM are left out of this one as they don't have name of element/brand of element skills.
german commands for ishgaard leveing from 41 to 60 min 320 cp needed
40 dura items quick craft