This macro activates Botanist job switch, Truth of Forests and Mountains, Collector's Glove, and your Chocobo. Great for a quick switch and getaway. You can edit your own macroicon and mount if you prefer different. *Make sure you change your gearset number in the macro.
Disband your party with style
The weapon glow trick but you stay standing! Make your weapon show its glow while it's sheathed. You do a brief movement but no sitting now :)
If you're in a party you immediately get on any multi-seater mount, if there are none nearby then you summon your own (if not moving), if you are moving or can't summon a mount then you sprint. If you are entering a FATE then you levelsync as you get off your mount.
Warm Kitty Song
Ignore Mechanics O'clock
Places you on the mount and informs your party you're ready. Used for Bozja zoomies.
Equips Botanist gearset, activates Truth of Forests, as well as miner actions Prospect, and Truth of Mountains. Icon matches hotbar gearsets, so as to make it the macro less visually disruptive. Action lines can be removed or added at your discretion, to remove Truth of Forests once it becomes automatic, or to add actions like Fathom, Collectors Glove, etc. Please note that "gearset1" is a stand-in and WILL NOT activate correctly UNLESS you use the appropriate gearset# for your botanist gearset. The macro icon will change after hitting enter once.
To sus or not sus
P9S braindead
you change into your magician outfit with a snap and change back when you are done with your magic hat trick
DSR Playstation