Macro for a standard farewell before logging out of the game.
Alert your party or alliance to an upcoming mechanic (generic) with text and sound. Useful for meteors or stack/spread mechanics that might get missed especially in alliance raids.
Danger bongos do their thing
For bread enthusiasts ONLY! (Might need to adjust wait seconds, depending on your race/gender animation duration)
Disband your party with style
The weapon glow trick but you stay standing! Make your weapon show its glow while it's sheathed. You do a brief movement but no sitting now :)
If you're in a party you immediately get on any multi-seater mount, if there are none nearby then you summon your own (if not moving), if you are moving or can't summon a mount then you sprint. If you are entering a FATE then you levelsync as you get off your mount.
Relay a called hunt to your other linkshells/fc/etc... Remove any lines for linkshells you don't have or don't want to forward hunts to. Click the map link first (or manually set a flag) then run this macro to forward the hunt location on to your party, all your linkshells, the zone, and your fc.
Sharing those elusive S Rank hunts
Warm Kitty Song
Tactics for Memoria Misera EX.
Ignore Mechanics O'clock
Removes the need for having Jolt on your action bars. Works for all levels and will execute the first ability that is available. Button will be highlighted when something other than Jolt/Jolt II is available. Replace 'Verstone' with 'Verfire' for black magic variant.
Places you on the mount and informs your party you're ready. Used for Bozja zoomies.